An Industry Full of Gibberish
‘Learn form my experiences, mistakes and wins’
^^^ loving greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast at the moment ^^^
Hi Team,
Today I want to pose a question to you.
What are you prioritising in your life?
Everything in life is about priorities, and what you priorities will dictate what your life looks like and what direction your life is going in.
Here’s some comparisons that may get you thinking:
Weekly Healthy Food Shop – ยฃ100 – Expensive
1-2 Nights Out – ยฃ100 – ‘Standard’
Months Worth of Personal Training – ยฃ150-200 – Luxury
Sky TV, Netflix & Amazon Prime – ยฃ150-200 – Must have
Months Worths of Health Supplements (Protein Power, Greens Power & Multi-Vit) – ยฃ50 – Waste
New Top or Pair of Jeans – ยฃ50 – Bargain
Personal Growth Seminar – ยฃ250 – Crazy fee
New Suit, Bag, or Shoes/Boots – ยฃ250 – Need to have
60 Minute Training Session – Wish I had time
60 Minutes Watching TV – Time flies, next episode
90 Minute Weekly Food Prep – Sundays for rest
90 Film on Sunday – Essential
15 Minute Daily Stretch/Mobility Work – I’ll start next week
15 Minute Daily Flick Through Facebook – The difference between life or death
We all like to moan about time and money, however really it comes down to priorities.
Hopefully the above priorities have got you all thinking about your priorities and where they currently are. Are they helping you move forward and progress, or are they the thing holding you back and stalling your progress?
If you currently have a bad back, if you’re putting on unwanted weight, it you’re losing strength, if you’re becoming less flexible and unhealthier then look at where your priorities currently sit, and how you could trade some expenses and/or time commitments to habits/expenses that will serve you better.
At the end of the day, “small daily habits lead to long term growth”. If you experience daily lower back pain then trading 15 minutes of your time daily from utilising social media to stretching and mobility work could save you daily pain and discomfort.
Additionally, taking a greens powder daily would likely ensure your immune system remains stronger, meaning you will get unwell less throughout the year. Suddenly the ยฃ50 a month spent on supplements could be a bargain/money saver if less days are taken off work, etc.
Im not telling you to cancel your sky account and sign-up to PT, please don’t feel thats the point of this email, however I’m asking you to challenge and analyse your priorities. Do they align with where you want to be in 6 months, a year or 5 years even? Just one change in your priorities could make a big difference over time.
Coming back to small daily habits, it is said that if you read 36 books on a certain topic you will likely be an expert in that particular field by the time you finish. Now, lets say you want to do that in 3 years then you need to read 12 books a year, 1 a month. So, if you read a chapter a day, you will very likely complete this. 36 books sounds like a real slog, however a chapter a day is reasonable.
The same as losing a pound a week on average would lose you 52lbs in a year (nearly 4 stone) if weight loss is your goal.
Please do me a favour and right down your 5 main priorities In life. I guarantee they are similar to mine below:
– Health (Physical, Mental & Social Well-Being)
– Relationships (With my Wife, Family & Friends)
– Career/Business
– Travel (Seeing The World)
– Leisure (Doing Things I Love To Do)
Health will more than often be number 1, as you can’t serve others from an empty vessel. To do 2-5 you more than likely HAVE to be healthy. Therefore, are you actually prioritising your health over the priorities below and those further beyond?
If not, then you need to make some amendments to the way you live your life. You need to look at what your investing in finically and time-wise and see whether it adds up with where you want to be in ‘x’ amount of time.
These are the changes I will be making over the next couple of months:
– Trading TV on certain evenings for reading (a chapter every other day is my aim for the rest of the year)
– Completing 15 minutes of stretching/mobility work every other day following training instead of waiting for my food to cool down
Two simple changes which will increase my mobility helping me get stronger and avoid injury as well as becoming more educated in health & fitness and business.
What changes will you be making to your priorities?
^^^ what a few changes to your priorities can do in 10 weeks! ^^^
The last week has been… PRODUCTIVE!ย
Works been good this week. Our new apprentice started called Luca who has been excellent.ย He’s full of enthusiasm, wellย mannered, knowledgable and only 17 which isย promising. This is a greatย opportunity for both him and us, as if all goes to plan he will likely become a full-time employe.ย Additionally, again if all goes well we will aim to have a new apprentice every year. I love working with people aged 16-20 as I did whenย Iย lectured as they are mouldable,ย passionate, full of energy and I seem to relate to them very well.ย
Training & Nutritionย
My training has been great this week. I’ve trained with Jack (fellow coach) Monday-Thursday, today is a rest day, and I’ve hit some personal bests on my key exercises which means progressive overload hasย occurred. The main driver of Hypertrophy (muscle growth). My motivation for training has been high all year so far which is brilliant. Myย nutrition has been questionable though… Not enough planning or thought which momentarilyย I’m just about getting away with, IE,ย I’m not losing weight or putting on any unwanted body fat (not much anyway). My plan was always to cruise through the summer then try and push my weight up again from September to Christmas. As always mostย importantlyย I’m enjoying the process, happy in my own skin, and training for health reasons more thanย anything.ย
Quote of the week
“small daily habits lead to long term growthโ
Have a great week everyone!ย
Kind Regardsย